The Scene of the Crime
I was the victim of a hit and run driver while bicycling on 4/15/22. It was Good Friday and the first evening of passover, and it was my 32nd anniversary too. What a disaster!
As I wrote in my book Happier Than Ever, I am into walking now. Each Sunday, I walk to visit my new friend at the Beth Israel Cemetery almost two miles from my home. It's on West Dallas. After my visit, I usually walk further. Today, I returned by foot to where I was hit almost two years ago: Polk St at Sidney St:
I actually walked a bit further, hitting Lockwood Drive. The whole walk was 10 miles!
In the book, I expressed some issues with the lady who hit me. I was mad at her! Not for hitting me, but for never reaching out to my family through phone, mail or a visit to the hospital. I ended up walking to the police station in late October, after the book was published, to question them about her. I wanted to know if they had tested her for alcohol or drugs, and I wanted to understand why she wasn't ticketed apparently for not having car insurance.
It was a very productive meeting, and I learned that they had tested her. She indeed had suffered an attack of diabetes before hitting me and flipping her car two blocks later. I also learned that the police had not ticketed her because it would interfere with them pressing charges against her if my condition ended in my death.
I thought to myself after my meeting that it is possible that this lady never learned that she had hit a bicyclist. I never wanted her to be punished for what was an accident. But, I am not sending her a thank you note!
I know I called it the "scene of the crime" in the title, but I don't think there was a crime. There was a tragedy for me and my family. This is the way life works, though. All of us face challenges! I am really happy to have made the recovery that I have enjoyed.