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Did I Cure My Disease, Bronchiectasis?

What bronchiectasis is

I wrote about my disease, bronchiectasis, on my birthday in March. I have been through so much these past two-plus years that my suffering from this respiratory disease pales in comparison to what happened to me on 4/15/22. More than three months ago, I shared some progress in fighting the bronchiectasis. It is not bothering me at all right now!

In early April, I detailed the book I read that suggested several things, including acupuncture. I had just gone back to my acupuncture therapist, and it has been very helpful. I have really enjoyed working again with Dr. Lori Earley (Phoenix Rising). With just the acupuncture, I was doing so much better already. The three things that I monitor physically were all just fine (push ups, climbing the stairs, walking), and the more important thing (staying quiet during my sleep) was so much better.

While I was feeling so much better, I didn't feel like I was yet 100%. For many years, I was taking a brief course of a high amount of steroids (prednisone) to help me deal with the lung issue. The last time I had taken any steroids had been in late February. This had been recently something I needed to do every two months.

I started taking my prednisone (40mg per day for 5 days) in early June, more than three months after the last treatment. Historically, this has been a last-ditch effort that has tended to help pretty quickly. This time, I didn't really need it like I normally do, and I wasn't sure what the end effect might be. Well, more than a month since the end, I can say that it left me in better shape than I have been in previously.

I wrote recently about the long walks I have been taking. They rival my bike rides that I used to do. 12-14 mile walks were nothing I ever did, but now I am doing them regularly.

I understand that there is no known cure for bronchiectasis, and I am not claiming to be free of it forever. The American Lung Association says that 350-500K adults in the U.S. suffer from it. Figuring out what causes it and how to deal with it is not clear at all.

I am happy that I am not dealing with the disease now and remain grateful to Daniel Pecaut for writing that book I discussed in April. I sure credit the acupuncture, which Pecaut used too. Maybe I would have gotten to where I am now just patiently using only acupuncture, but I think the steroids really helped too. I am hopeful that my steroid treatments will be less frequent than in the past.


Alan Brochstein March 2024.jpg

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